[1] On the other part, the Engliſhmen were no|thyng ſlacke to come forwarde to encounter the Scottes,The policie of the Engliſh men. but at the firſt to take the vauntage of the grounde, they gaue ſomewhat backe, with|drawyng to the ſide of an hill, whiche they ha|uing once got, boldely turned themſelues to the Scottes that purſued them ouer [...]a [...]ely, in hope that the victorie had bin alreadie theirs: but be|ing here fiercely receyued by the engliſhmen, and [figure appears here on page 338] beaten downe in heapes on eche ſyde, thoughe they enforced themſelues with all their might to be reuenged both for olde & new iniuries whiche they had receyued, and ſo ſlewe no ſmall num|ber of the enimies:The Scottiſhe Armie put to flight. yet in the end was the Scot|tiſh army put to flight, and more ſlaughter made in the chaſe, than was afore in the battayle: for one wing of the Engliſhmen making forwarde to get before the Scottes, ſo ſtopped their paſ|ſage,The greate ſlaughter of Scottes. that they were ſlayne miſerablye on eche ſyde, as they had bin encloſed within a toylle or deere ſtall. There were but few in number that were taken priſoners, thoſe on the next day were beheaded by commandement of king Edward, except a ſmall number whiche were kept ſecrete by ſome of the Engliſhemen for profite of their raunſome.The number of Scottes ſlayne at Ha|lydowne hill. There were ſlayn on that day of the battayle, to [...]e number of .xiiij. thouſande men, amongeſt whome were theſe as principall, Ar|chembald Douglas the gouernour, Iohn Ste|ward, Iames Stewarde, and Alane Stewarde the ſonnes of Walter Stewarde: the Earle of Ros, the Earle of Suthirlande, Alexander Bruce Erle of Carryke, Andrew, Iames, and Symon Fraſeir. This batayl was fought on the Magdalene day,1333. H.B in the yeare .1332.