[1] The realme of Scotlande being thus deuy|ded in two partes, the one aſſiſting the Ballyol, & the other continuing in their allegiance ſworn and promiſed to king Dauid:Edward king of Englande purpoſeth to ſubdue the Scottes. Edwarde king of England iudged yt time to ſerue wel for his pur|poſe to make a conqueſt on the Scots, and here|vpon gathering a mightie armie both of Engliſh men, and ſtrangers, as well ſuche as were ſub|iectes to hym as other, whome he reteyned out of Normandie, Aniou, and Flanders, he came with the ſame to ſubdue (as he outwardely pre|tended) only ſuch Scottes as woulde not yelde themſelues to the Ballyoll.