[1] [2] [3] Kyng Dauid beyng not paſte nyne yeares of age, to auoyde all daungers in that trouble|ſome tyme, as deſtitute of ſuccoures,King Dauid is conueyed ouer into Fraunce. by aduiſe of his Counſel, was conueyd ouer into France, wyth Queene Iane hys wyfe, ſiſter to Ed|warde kyng of Englande, and was moſt frend|ly receyued by Philippe King of Fraunce the ſixte of that name, ſo that they remayned there with him for the ſpace of nine yeeres,R. Southwell. and in the meane time diuers noble men that yet remayned at the deuotion of King Dauid vnderſtandyng that King Edward le Balliol ſoiourned within [page 336] the towne of Perth, otherwiſe called S. Iohns towne, which ſtandeth almoſt in the middle part of the Realme, and was at that preſent not clo|ſed with any wall,Saint Iohns towne beſee|ged. or rampire, they reyſed theyr powers, and beſeeged him within ye ſame towne, he hauing as then no great company about him. Whereof whẽ they of Galloway had aduertiſe|mente, bycauſe the Kyng was their ſpecial Lord and chiefe gouernoure, they aſſembled togyther vnder the conduct of the Lorde Euſtace de Ma|keſwel, and inuaded the lands of thoſe Scottiſh|men that had thus beſeeged their Lorde King Edward Ballyol, and by that meanes conſtrey|ned the aduerſaries to leuie their ſeege. Where|vpon Earle Patricke & the newe Earle of Mur|rey, with the Lord Andrewe de Murrey, and the Lord Archẽbald Dowglas, with an army aſſẽ|bled in all ſpeede,Galloway in|uaded. entred into Galloway, doing al the miſchiefe they coulde deuiſe, with fire, and ſworde, taking and bringing away from thence a great number of Cattell and other goodes, but they ſlewe no greate number of people, for they found them not at home, being withdrawen out of ye way for feare of this terrible inuaſiõ. Thus did the Scottes in that part of the Realm ſpoyle and harrie each others countreys. In the meane time, King Edwarde le Balliol fortifyed the towne of Perth,Saint Iohns town fortified. appoynting the Earle of Fife to the keeping thereof, whileſt he with an army paſ|ſed into the countrey, but before he retourned, hys aduerſaries, to witte, the ſonnes of them that had bin ſlain at the battel of Duplyn, Robert Keith, Alexãder Lindſey, Iames and Simon Fraſeir, wanne Saint Iohns towne in the third moneth after they had layde ſeege thereto,Saint Iohns town wonne. as Hector Bo|etius hath, but whether that is to be intended af|ter the firſt beſeeging thereof, or now after theyr laſt comming thither I can not affirme, but as the ſame Boetius writeth: now when the towne was won, the Earle of Fife, and Androw Mur|ray of Tullybard, were taken with other of their complices.