[1] [figure appears here on page 334] HErevpon perceuing his power ſuf|ficientlye in|creaſed, and receyuyng the Othes of the Erle of Fyfe, and William de Saint clare Byſhoppe of Dunkelde,Edward Bal|liol crowned King of Scot|land, not the 24. of Septẽ|ber, but the fourth of Oc|tober as R. Southwell hath. hee wente accompanyed with them and a greate number of other, vnto Scone, where he was crowned the .xxiiij. daye of Sep|tember, in the yeare laſte before remembred, and receyued there the ſame tyme the homages and fealties of a greate companye of nobles and Gentlemenne, at that ſolemne feaſte there aſ|ſembled.