[1] But hauyng layne there a certayn ſpace and [figure appears here on page 334] filled the diches in the meane tyme to ſuch aduã|uantage, that it was thought if he had giuen the aſſault, he muſt nedes haue entred, he ſodenly rei|ſed frõ thẽce,He rayſeth his ſeege. & departed, to ye vnſpekable domage (as was thought) of the whole Scottiſh nation. The ſiege being thus reiſed, ther came dayly gret nũbers of nobles & cõmons vnto ye Ballyol, offe|ring him their ayd & ſeruice as his loyal ſubiects, towards ye atteyning of his right to ye crowne.