[1] The Engliſhemen were ſo earneſtly bente to the ſlaughter of Scottes, that they myghte not bee ſatiate with the bloud and murder of them, [page 334] ſo that they ſaued none whom they myght ouer|take.The greate ſlaughter of Scottes. Sixtene thou|ſand ſayth R. Southwell. The Earle of Mar was not ſlayne in the night as before ye haue heard, but now in the morowe folo|wing as hath Southwel. Noble men ſlayne at Du|pline. There were ſlain of nobles & gentlemen, to the number of .iij. thouſand, beſides innumerable of the commons. A certain number of the Scots that eſcaped out of the place, cloſed themſelues together, and in purpoſe to bee reuenged on the Engliſhemen for the death of their fellowes, re|turned vpon them againe, and were ſlaine them ſelues euery mothers ſonne.