[1] Theſe were appointed to goe with the Bal|lyoll to aſſiſte him in that enterpryſe: and lyke|wyſe the lorde Stafforde and diuers other En|gliſhe capitaynes, whervpon when al their pro|uiſion was once ready, with the number apoin|ted them by king Edwarde,Edward Bally|oll landeth in Scotland. and a fewe others, they got them a ſhipboorde, and ſaylyng foorth by the coaſte till they entred into the Forth, at length they came a lande neare to the towne of Kingorne, [...]der Sei|ton is ſlayne. and ſhortly after, encountring with Alexander Seyton, they ſlewe him, and put his folkes to flight.