[1] Though the Ballyoll had no regard to make any claime at all to the crowne of Scotland be|fore this tyme, yet through the pithye perſuaſiõs of the earneſt meſſenger, declaring howe eaſy a matter it were for him to atchieue, conſidering the ayde which he ſhould haue in England, both at the kings handes, and alſo by the Scottiſhe|men, whiche remayned there in exile, by whoſe meanes he mighte aſſure himſelfe of ſupport y|nough within Scotlande it ſelfe, after hee was once entred: finally he concluded to paſſe ouer in|to Englande, to proue what purchaſe he myght make there.