[1] Shortly after roſe great trouble in Scotland by meanes of Edwarde Ballyoll, the ſonne of Iohn Ballyoll before remembred, as thus: It chaunced there was one Twynam Loriſon, a Gentleman borne,Twynam Lo|ryſon. but ſpotted with vile condi|tions, as adulterie & diuers other, for the whiche being put vnder cenſures of the church by the of|ficiall of Glaſgewe: he tooke at length the ſame Officiall as he was going toward the towne of Ayre, and helde him in captiuitie till he had paid two hundred poundes for his deliuerance. But this iniurie remayned not long vnpuniſhed: for ſir Iames Douglas before his paſſage to the ho|ly lande, would not ſuffer him to reſt, till he had conſtrayned hym to flee into Englande for his more ſafegarde.