[1] This Monke,A Monke ſent into Scotlande to poyſon the gouernor. The fitteſt inſtru|ment to bring ſuch a thing to paſſe. fully inſtructed in that where|about he was ſent, came into Scotland, and fai|ning himſelfe to be a Pbyſition, got credit with|in in a whyle amongeſt the people, to be a man of moſt excellente knowledge, for he had a compa|nion with him, that beeing made priuie to the matter, ſette foorth his cunnyng and practiſe to the vttermoſte, declaryng what notable and moſte deſperate cures he had taken in hande, and made the pacientes perfectly whole of the ſame, where al other had quite giuen them ouer, name|ly he bruted it abroade, that for healing of the ſtone and grauell, his lyke was not to be found in all Chriſtendome, as euidently had appeared by cures whiche he had ſhewed vpon ſundry no|ble men both in England and Fraunce.