[1] Others that refuſed to obey, were purſewed with his gard, and hanged euer as they were ta|ken: as it hapned on a time of Hadington,Stubborne re|belles ſharply puniſhed. wher threeſcore euil and naughtie diſpoſed perſons be|ing gathered together, robbed & ſpoyled the peo|ple on the eche ſyde: and for that they regarded not, but rather myſuſed a purſenaunt, which he ſent vnto them, they were all taken incontinently by his foreſayd gard, which followed the ſayd per|ſeuaunt at the heeles, and without reſpite han|ged [figure appears here on page 331] thẽ vp on gybets to giue enſample to others.