[1] BVt now to procede in order with the victo|rie, ye ſhal note yt after ye deceaſe of K. Ro|bert, his ſonne Dauid a childe vneth .vij. yeres of age, was proclaimed king, & afterwardes crow|ned at Scone, the .23. day of Nouember, in the yere of our lord .1331. During ye time of his mino|ritie,1331. Erle Thomas Rãdal was ordeined gouer|nor of ye realm, who for the ſpace of four yeres, in the later ende of K.Erle Thomas Randall go|uernoure of Scotland. Roberts reigne, had ye whole adminiſtration of things cõmitted to his charge by the ſame king, for that by reaſon of ſicknes, he was not able to attẽd ye ſame himſelf. This Erle Thomas then beeing elected gouernour by the generall conſent of al the nobles of the realm, cõ|ſidred with himſelf, how neceſſarie it was for the people to continue in peace, till they had ſome|what recouered their hynderance and loſſes chã|ced to them by the former warres. He addreſſed therfore certaine ambaſſadors immediatly after the death of king Robert vnto the king of Eng|lande,Ambaſſadours ſent into Eng|land. to require a new confirmation of the peace betwixt both the realmes for a ſeaſon.