[1] Ambaſſadors ſent from K. Edward for a peace.In the ende of the ſame yeare, there were Am|baſſadours ſent from king Edwarde into Scot|land for the concluſion of a peace, which was ac|corded in this wiſe: That king Edward ſhoulde renounce all his right & clayme which he had or might haue to the crowne of Scotland,A peace con|cluded with England in the yeare 1328. after the ac|count of them that beginne the yeare at Chriſtmaſſe. in decla|ring it free as it was in time of K. Alexander the third, vnder theſe cõditions, that Northũberland ſhould be admitted for the marches of Scotland on the eaſt part, and Cumberland on the weſt.