

as Io. M. hath, but that cannot be, if ſhe died the ſame yeare that the Scots were beſieged in Stanhop parke. Norham Ca|ſtell wonne. Alnewake be|ſieged.

And in the yeare following, or rather the ſame yeare, O. Elizabeth mother to Dauid Bruce the Prince deceaſſed, and was buried in Dun|fermling in the yeare after the byrth of our Sa|uiour. 1328. In the ſame yeare, king Robert wanne the Caſtell of Norham, and ſhortly after beſieged the Caſtel of Alnwike, where were ſlain William de Mountalte knight, Iohn Clapa|nen and Maliſius de Dunbar, with diuerſe other of the Scottiſh nobilitie.