Snippet: 2713 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 328)
as Io. M. hath, but that cannot be, if ſhe died the ſame yeare that the
Scots were beſieged in Stanhop parke. Norham Ca|ſtell wonne. Alnewake
And in the yeare following, or rather the ſame yeare, O. Elizabeth
mother to Dauid Bruce the Prince deceaſſed, and was buried in Dun|fermling in
the yeare after the byrth of our Sa|uiour. 1328. In the ſame yeare, king Robert
wanne the Caſtell of Norham, and ſhortly after beſieged the Caſtel of Alnwike,
where were ſlain William de Mountalte knight,
Iohn Clapa|nen and Maliſius de Dunbar, with diuerſe other of the Scottiſh