[1] He choſe forth two hundred of perfite good horſemen, mounted vpon very ſwift and readie geldings,An enterpriſe exployted by ſir Iames Dow+glas. with the which in the night ſeaſon hee paſſed ſ [...]ily by the Engliſh watche; that he was not once diſcryed by any of them, till he was en|tred into their campe, where by the dyn and noiſe made by the mouing of the horſe feet, ſome chan|ced to awake that lay and ſlept, but yet ere the a|larme were rayſed to any purpoſe, the Scottes thus led by ye Dowglas had pierced through euẽ vnto the kings tent, & cut two cordes of the ſame in ſunder; ſo that the king was in no ſmal danger to haue beene ſlaine; had not the Scottes with|drawne ye ſooner for doubt of being incloſed with their enimies as now rayſed on eche ſide to come to his ſuccours, but the Dowglas yet returned in ſafetie with his number back againe to the Scot|tiſh campe, hauing ſlaine (as ſome bookes report) three hundred Engliſh men at this brunt.