Snippet: 2690 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 326)
[1] Agaynſt whom came king Edward with an army of an hundred thouſand men:
King Edwarde the third com|meth with an army agaynſt them.
of the which number there were (as Froiſſart hath) an eight thouſande
horſemen, and .xxiiij. thouſande Ar|chers. If their comming into
Northumberland, they might wel perceyue by the ſmoke of the fiers which the
Scottes made in burning of villages, houſes, and townes, where the enimies
were but yet bycauſe they taryed not long in a place, but paſſed on withoute
ſoiourning here or there, the Engliſh men might not come neare to fight wyth