[1] After the returne of ſir Iames Dowglas forth of Fraunce, with ſo good expedition and diſpatch of that buſineſſe where aboute he was ſent, King Robert right ioyfull thereof,A Parliament at Cambuſ|kenneth. aſſembled a Par|liament of the Nobles and other eſtates of the Realme at Cambuſkenneth, where hee procured a new acte to be eſtabliſhed touching the ſucceſ|ſion of the crowne,An act for the ſucceſsion of the crowne. which was, that if his ſonne Dauid deceaſſed without heires of his body law|fully begotten, that then Robert Steward be|gotten, on Mariorie Bruce his daughter, ſhould ſucceede in poſſeſſion of the Crowne.