[1] Immediately herevpon, to wit about the feaſt of Lammas,King Edwarde rayſeth an armie. King Edwarde with his armie came to Newcaſtell, and deſirous to be reuenged of ſuche iniuries done to his ſubiects, entred into Scotlande,He entred Scotlande. and paſſing forth till he came to E|denbourgh, through want of vitayles and other neceſſarie prouiſion, he was conſtrayned to re|turne home within the ſpace of .xv. dayes. For king Robert aduertiſed of his cõming, had cau|ſed all the corne and cattell in the Countrey to be conueyed out of the way into certain ſtrengthes, where the Engliſh men might not come to get it into their handes, ſo to relieue themſelues there|with. But in their returning homewardes, ſome|what to reuenge their diſpleaſures, they ſpoyled & brunt the Abbayes of Melroſe, and Drybourgh,The Abbeyes of Mewroſe or Melroſe, and Drybourgh burned. with diuerſe other religious houſes & places, not ſparing any kinde of crueltie agaynſt all thoſe of the inhabitants that fell into their handes.