[1] About the ſame time the king of England by complaynt made to the Pope,A Legate ſent from Rome to the Scottes. purchaſed that a Legate was ſent from the Sea Apoſtolike into Scotland, to admoniſh king Robert to ceaſſe frõ further diſquieting the realme of Englande, by ſuch cruell inuaſions, as were ſurmiſed that hee wrongfully exerciſed againſt the ſame Realme. But anſwer was made herevnto by the king and other the nobles of the realme of Scotlande,The anſwere made to the Legate. that all the worlde might well vnderſtande that the whole occaſion of al the trouble which had chan|ced betwixt the two Realmes of Englande and Scotland, did only proceed of the couetous deſire in the Engliſh mẽ, ſeeking to conquer that realm without any iuſt clayme or title: and therefore they thought it reaſon firſt to ſuppreſſe the loftie ſtomacks of the Engliſh men, and then if there were any thing worthie to be reformed on theyr behalues, they would be contented to ſtand vnto the order of the Popes authoritie therein.