[1] About the feaſt of al Saints, when the inhabi|tants of the north partes had got in their harueſt, ſo that their barnes were now ſtuffed with corn, of the which prouiſion they were to liue all ye yere after,The Scots in|uade England. the Scots vnder the conduct of the ſaid two captains, the Erle of Murrey, & the Lord Dow|glas, entred into England, and burnt the country of Gilſlãd, taking away both ſuch people as they tooke priſoners, and alſo all the cattell which they might meete with, and ſo kept vpon their iourney till they came to Bourgh vnder Stanemore,Bourgh vnder Stanemoore. de|ſtroying all afore them, and then returning [page 322] through Weſtmerland, practiſed the like miſchief there, in burning vp houſes and corne in all pla|ces where they came, as they had done before in Gilſlande. And finally paſſing through Cum|berlande with the like hauocke, at length they drewe home into their owne Countrey with no ſmall number of pryſoners, and plentie of great ryches which they had got in that iourney.