[1] Ri. Southwel.After that the Earle of Murrey had recouered Barwike, he & the Lord Iames Dowglas in the Month of May inuaded Englande with a puiſ|ſant army,The Scots en|ter further into England than they were ac|cuſtomed, euẽ [...] Wether| [...] (as Four| [...] ſayth.) paſſing further into the countrey than the Scots had bene accuſtomed to do afore time, burning as they wente forwarde the townes of Northallerton, and Burrow brig, and comming to Ripon, they ſpoyled the towne of all the goods found therein: but compounding with them that kept the Churche agaynſt them for a thouſande marks, they forbare to burn any of the buildings. After they had taried here three dayes, they depar|ted thence and went to Knareſbourgh, whiche towne they burnt, and beating the woods (into the which the people were withdrawn with their goods and cattell) they got a great bootie, and re|turning homewards by Skipton in Crauẽ, they firſt ſpoyled the towne, & after burnt it, & ſo mar|ching throughe the Countrey, came backe into Scotland with their ſpoyles and priſoners with|out any reſiſtance.