[1] [2] He rigged therefore a fleete of ſhippes,King Edwarde ſendeth a na|uie into Scot|lande. and ſent the ſame into the Forth, which burned the Coun|trey on ech ſide, and tooke many rich booties from the inhabitants neare to the ſhore. Duncan Erle of Fyfe, hearing of theſe crueltyes done by the Engliſh men, came forth with fiue hũdred hardy [page 321] ſouldiers to defende the Countrey from ſuche in|uaſions: but when hee perceyued that the eni|myes were of greater number than hee was able well to encounter, hauing but an handful of men in compariſon to them, he gaue ſomewhat back, and in the meane time met with William San|clare Biſhop of Dunkelde, hauing aboute .lx. ar|med menne in his companie, who blaming the Earle for his faintneſſe of courage, cauſed hym to ſet forward againe towardes the enimies, and finding them buſie in ſpoyling and harrying the cuntrey, they gaue an onſet vpon them ſo fierce|ly that there was ſlaine at the firſt encounter to the number of fiue hundred of the Engliſh men,Engliſh men diſcomfited. & the reſidue chaſed to their boates lying at Dun|bryſſel, which they entred in ſuch haſt, that one of the boates being peſtred with ouer great number, ſank with thẽ before they could get to their ſhips.