[1] King Robert being enformed howe through the reenforcement of the Engliſhe armie beeing dayly refreſhed with newe ſuccours, his brother was like to runne in perill and daunger to be caſt away,See more here|of in Irelande. he left ſir Iames Dowglas gouernour in Scotland, with a competent number of men to defend the borders, and he himſelf with a great power of other ſouldiers and men of warre, went ouer into Ireland to ſupport his brother:King Robert paſſeth ouer into Irelande. but ſuf|fering great diſtreſſe at his firſt comming thither, for want of vitayles and other prouiſions, he loſt almoſt the one halfe of his folkes throughe verye famine and hunger, & the reſidue were conſtray|ned to eate Horſes, and other ſuche lothſome meates, therewith to ſuſteyne theyr languiſhing lyues.