[1] [2] This glorious victorie chaunced to the Scots on the day of the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt, in the yere .1314. Immediatly after,1314 K. Robert called a Parliamẽt at Ayre, where by cõſent of the three eſtates he was cõfirmed king,The crown of Scotlande en|tayled. & the crown entai|led to the heyres males of his bodie lawfully be|gotten, & for want of ſuch heyres to remaine vnto his brother Edward Bruce, & to the heyres male of his body:Mariorie the daughter of king Robert by his firſt wife. and if he chanced to die without ſuch heyres, thẽ ſhould the crowne deſcend vnto Mar|iory the daughter of K. Robert, and to the heyres generall of hir bodie, by lawfull ſucceſſion.