[1] The Dowglas (according to his charge) fol|lowed him in chaſe vnto Dunbar, & caſting be|twixt that and the borders, lay in awayt to haue taken him, if he had returned by land:King Edwards eſcapeth. but hee be|ing receyued into the Caſtell of Dunbar by Pa|trike Dunbar Erle of March, with .xv. Erles in his companie, was by the ſame Earle of Marche conueyed into certaine veſſels, lying there at an|ker, with the which he paſſed alongſt by the ſhore into England,The vnſicker ſtate of world|ly puiſſance. to ſhew an example of the vnſic|ker ſtate and glorie of princes: for though thys Edwarde was that daye in the morning right proude of the great puiſſance and number of peo|ple which he had about him, not vnlike ſomtime to the great armie of king Xerxes, yet he was cõ|ſtrayned before the Euening of the ſame day, to ſaue his life in a poore fiſhers boate.