[1] But herevpon thoſe that were appointed to at|tend the cariage, as carters, wainmen, lackeys, & the women, beholding in what daũger their mai|ſters, friends, & countrymen ſtood, put an ſhirtes, ſmockes, and other white lynens aloft vpon their vſuall garments, and herewith binding towels & napkins to their ſpeares, and to other ſuch ſlaues as they got in theyr handes, placed themſelues as wel as they might in array of battail, and ſo ma|king a great muſter & ſhew of new, came downe the hill ſyde in the face of their enimies, with ſuch a terrible noyſe & hideous clamor, that the Eng|liſh men fighting as then with moſt fury againſt the Scots with vncertaine victorie, and behol|ding this new reenforce comming down the hill on their faces, ſuppoſing verily it had bene ſome new armie, their hearts began to faint,The Engliſh mens hearts begin to faint. the more in deede, for that they ſaw themſelues vneth able to ſuſtain the violent encounter of the Scots thẽ preſent.The Engliſh men put to flight. And herevpon they began to turne their backs, and fell to running away as people clearly vanquiſhed: on whom the Scottes folowed with inſatiable yre, & ſlue thẽ downe on all ſides where they might ouertake thẽ. Sir Iames Dowglas with .iiij.C. choſen horſmen, was cõmaunded by king Robert to purſue the king of England with all ſpeede, to trie if he might ouertake him.