[1] Thirtie thou|ſand Engliſh horſemen o|uerthrowne in trenches.Albeit incontinently herewith a battaile of horſemen to the number of .xxx. thouſande, came ruſhing togither all at once in ſhocke, to haue borne downe and ouerridden the Scots, but be|ing ſo in their ful race gallopping with moſt vio|lence towards thẽ, they tumbled into the foſſes & pittes before mentioned, in ſuch wiſe one vpon an other, that the moſt part of thẽ were ſlain, with|out all recouerie. Neuertheleſſe the Scots in ma|ner oppreſſed through the huge multitude of the enimies, were neare at the point to haue bin van|quiſhed.