[1] The exhorta|tion of king Robert to his people.After this, when ſeruice was ended, the king called the people to his ſtandart, and firſt decla|red vnto them from poynt to poynt how neceſſa|rie it was for them to ſhewe their woonted man|hood, conſidering that ſuch an huge multitude of people was brought thither agaynſte them by king Edwarde, not of one Nation or dominion, but of ſundrie languages and parties, aſwel ſub|iectes as alyes to the Engliſh men, with ful pur|poſe vtterly to extinguiſh the Scottiſh name and memorie, and to plant themſelues in their ſeates and row [...]ths, as in poſſeſſions vtterly voyded of all the auncient and former inhabitants.