[1] In the meane time ſir Iames Dowglaſſe dreading that his ſpeciall friende the ſayde Tho|mas Randall ſhoulde be ouerſet with multitude of the Engliſhe men, came to king Robert, and falling on his knees before him, requyred licence to go forth to the ſupport of them that were thus fighting with their enimies: whiche bycauſe the king would not graũt at the firſt, he ruſhed forth of the campe without licence, hauing in his cõpa|nie a ſmall bande of men, but yet choſen out for the purpoſe, that if it were but by ſhewing him|himſelfe, he myght put the enimies in ſome feare.