[1] At this battaile was a right valiant knight [page 314] named Rowlande, ſlaine of the Engliſh parte, with a great number of other aboute him, and Donalde himſelfe was taken priſoner. Thus king Robert through fauour of proſperous for|tune, obteyning the victorie in ſundrie conflicts, came with an armie into Argyle,

Argyle ſubdu|ed by King Robert.

This was, An. 1 [...]09. as Iohn Maior hath.

and not onely ſubdued the Countrey to his obeyſance, but alſo tooke Alexander Lorde of Argyle out of a ſtrong Caſtel in that Countrey, and baniſhed him with all his friendes into Englande, where ſhortly af|ter he deceaſſed.