[1] After his deceaſſe,Edwarde of Carnaruan, ſonne to Ed|ward Long|ſhankes. his ſonne Edward of Car|naruane ſucceeded in the gouernment of Eng|land, who following his fathers enterpriſe, called a counſell at Dunfreis, ſommoning the Lordes of Scotlande to appeare at the ſame, and cauſed a greate number of them at theyr comming thi|ther to doe their homage vnto him,Homage to king Edward of Carnaruan. as to their ſu|periour Lorde and gouernour; But diuerſe yet diſobeyed his commaundements, and would not come at his ſummoning, vppon truſt of ſome chaunge of fortune by the death of his father, for that the ſonne was muche giuen (as was repor|ted) to incline his eare to lewde counſell, not without the great griefe of his people, and name|ly of the Lords and chiefe Nobles of his realme.