[1] With the lyke felicitie he got the moſt part of all the Caſtels in the north,King Roberte commeth to Glenneske. raſing and bren|ning vp the ſame tyll hee came to Glenneſke, wher being aduertiſed that Iohn Cumyn with ſundry Engliſhemen and Scots were gathered againſte him, bicauſe hee was vppon a ſtrong groũd, he determined there to abide thẽ: but they being thereof infourmed, and wondryng at his manly courage, durſt not approche to giue him battaile, but ſent Ambaſſadors vnto him to haue truce for a time, vnder colour of ſome communi|cation [page 313] for a peace, till they might increaſe theyr power more ſtrongly agaynſt him: whiche be|ing done, they purſued him more fiercely than before.