[1] Whyleſt he remayned in this eſtate of ad|uerſe Fortune,The Earle of Leuenax and Gilbert Hay faithful ſerui|tours to king Robert. there were two that ſhewed themſelues ryghte truſtie and faithefull ſeruan|tes vnto hym aboue all the reſte, the Earle of Leuenax, and Gilberte Hay: for though eyther enforced by perſecution of enimyes, or conſtrai|ned through ſome other neceſſitie, they departed ſometymes from his preſence, yet didde they e|uer acknoweledge hym for theyr Soueraygne [page 312] lorde and only king, readie at all ſeaſons to ſerue and obey hym in eche behalfe.