[1] Odomare de Valence after he had obteyned this victorie againſt king Roberte, baniſhed the wiues of all thoſe that ſupported the ſame Ro|bert, by meanes whereof many ladies and gen|tlewomen were conſtrayned to flee into woodes, and other deſert places,K. Robert eft|ſoones diſcõ|fited in Athol. to eſchewe the crueltie of their aduerſaries. King Robert alſo after this ouerthrow, fled into Athole, where the .iij. Ides of Auguſt at a place called Dalry, he fought a|gayne with the Cumyns and other ſuche Scots and engliſhmen as were aſſembled in thoſe par|ties readie to purſewe him, and had the like luck here that had chaunced to him before at Meffen, for he was put to flight after the ſame manner, though he loſt here but fewe of his men, neither in the fyght nor chaſe.