[1] Aboute the ſame tyme was William Wal|lace taken at Glaſkow by the means of ſir Iohn Menteth and other, in whome he had euer put a moſte ſpeciall truſte:Wallace is taken. but they beeing corrupted with the offers of large rewardes promyſed by king Edwarde to ſuche as coulde helpe to take him,Wallace is brought to London. wrought ſuche fetches that he was appre|hended at length by Odomare de Valance Erle of Penbroke, who with a greate power of men brought him to London,He is put to death. where hee was put to death, and his quarters ſent into Scotlande and ſet vp in ſundry great townes there for a ſpecta|cle, as it were, to giue enſample to other. Thys was the ende of that puiſſant champion Williã Wallace, prayſed amongeſt the Scotiſhemen aboue all other in that age, for ſo muche as hee woulde neuer yelde or conſent to acknowledge any ſuperioritie in the Engliſhemen ouer hys [page 311] countrey, no not when all other had ſubmitted themſelues to king Edward as his liege ſubiects and moſt obedient vaſſals.