[1] The Erle of Gloceſter immediatly after that Robert Bruce was departed frõ the kings pre|ſence, ſent vnto him .xij. ſterling pennies, wyth two ſharpe ſpurres, whereby he coniectured his meaning to be, that the beſt ſhift for him was to auoyde out of the waye in moſte ſpeedy wyſe, whervpon he cauſyng a ſmyth to ſhoe .iij. hor|ſes for him, contrarily with ye calkyns forward, that it ſhould not bee perceyued whiche way hr had taken by the tracte of the horſes for that the ground at that time (being in the winter ſeaſon) was couered with ſnowe: hee departed oute of London aboute midnighte,Robert Bruce doth flee. accompanyed onely with two truſtie ſeruantes.