[1] In the meane time Iohn Cumyn ſurnamed the redde, and Roberte Bruce hauing confe|rence together,Cõference be|twixt the Cu+myn & Bruce. complayned the one to the other of the myſerable ſeruitude wherein the Realme of Scotlande as then ſtoode by the oppreſſion of king Edward. And at length vpon offers made betwixte them, it was agreed, that if by anye meanes they myght delyuer the Realme out of the Engliſhmens hands, the one of them ſhould be king, that is to witte the Bruce, and the o|ther that is to ſay the Cumyn, ſhoulde enioy all the Bruces landes and poſſeſſions, with many other prefermentes of honoures and dignities as nexte vnto him in all authoritie touchyng the gouernement of the realme.