[1] Moreouer king Edward at his returning in|to Englãd,The Marble chaire is con|ueyd into En|glande, & pla|ced in Weſt|minſter. toke the chaire of Marble with him, and cauſing it to be conueyd vp to London, dyd place it at Weſtminſter, where it remaineth yet vnto this daye. Furthermore, before his de|parture out of Scotlãd, he apointed al the Scot|tiſh lordes to aſſemble at Scone, where he cau|ſed them to take a newe othe,The nobilitie of Scotlande ſworn to king Edward. that from thence|foorth they ſhoulde take him for their ſoueraigne lord, & to obey him in al things as loyal ſubiects,