[1] Moreouer, he cõpelled al ſuch ſcottiſhmen as wer of any ſingular knowledge in lerning or li|terature, to be reſident in Oxford,Scottiſhmen learned, com|maunded to be reſident in Oxforde. doubting leſt the Scottiſh nobilitie encreaſing in politik pru|dence by their inſtructions, ſhould ſeeke to throw off the yoke of bondage. Thus king Edward going about (as the Scottiſh writers do report) to extinguiſh the name of Scots together with their rule & empire, paſſed through the moſt part [page 309] of all the boundes of Scotlande, and vppon ve|rye hate whyche he hadde to the Scottiſhe anti|quities, at his comming to Camelon, he com|maũded the round temple ſtanding ouer againſt the ſame, to be throwne downe, which was buil|ded (as before is ſhewed) in the honour of Clau|dius the Emperor,The temple of Claudius was at Colcheſter, & not in Scot|land, what ſoe|uer Hector Boetius or o|uer dreame thereof. and the goddeſſe Victoria. But for that his cõmandemẽt was not imme|diatly put in execution; he chaunged his purpoſe and apointed only that the monumẽts of Clau|dius with the ſuperſcription of his name ſhould be taken away, and in place therof, the armes of king Arthur, with his name to be ſet vp, com|manding the place to be called Arthurs hoif (as ye woulde ſay) Arthurs Courte.Arthurs hoife.