[1] It is ſayde, that king Edwarde requyred by a meſſenger ſente vnto thys Wallace,King Edward ſendeth vnto Wallace. that if he woulde come in and be ſworne his liege man and true ſubiecte, he ſhoulde haue at his handes greate Lordſhippes and poſſeſſions within En|glande to mayntayne his porte as was requi|ſite to a manne of righte honourable eſtate.Wallace refu|ſeth the offers of K. Edward. But Wallace refuſed theſe offers, ſaying that he pre|ferred libertie wyth ſmall reuenues in Scot|lande, before any poſſeſſion of landes in Eng|lande, were the ſame neuer ſo greate, conſide|ryng he myght not enioye them, but vnder the yoke of bondage.