Snippet: 2482 of 4297 (1577, Volume 2, p. 307)
The third ba|taile of the en|gliſhmen van|qu [...]hed at Roſlyn.
Thys victorie fell to the Scottes in manner as before is reherſed vppon
Sainct Mathewes daye, in the yeare after the byrthe of oure Sa|uiour .1302. The
glorye of thys victorie was greate, conſydering that thirtie thouſand
En|gliſhemen well furnyſhed, and thoroughly ap|poynted for warre,The matter is amplified by the Scottes to the vttermoſt.
ſhoulde be thus in one daye vanquiſhed wyth an handfull of Scottiſhmen. For as
theyr Hyſtories make mention, they paſſed not eyghte thouſande at the moſte:
and therefore all menne ſuppoſed, that it came to paſſe by the ſingular fauoure and grace of al|myghtie GOD.
But yet the Scottes dydde not long enioye the benefytes of ſo notable a
victorie.The gret pre|paration of K. Edward to reade the