[1] But ſcarſely hadde they gathered the ſpoyle when an other part of the Engliſhmen came vp|on them with more fierceneſſe than the other be|fore: neuertheleſſe the Scottes encouraged with [figure appears here on page 307] theyr freſhe wonne victorie, [...]e ſeconde battayle ouer [...]. got themſelues ſpee|dyly into array, and receyued their enimies with ſuche incredible manhood, that they had quickely got the vpper hande of theſe alſo. But vneth had they made an ende with this ſeconde battayle, when the thirde parte was at hande readie to charge them, beeing nowe ſore enfeebled, what thoroughe wearyneſſe and woundes receyued in the two former encountres, beſydes the want of ſuche of theyr numbers as were ſlayne: yet by exhortation of theyr Capitaynes, and the valyaunt preſence of the officers of bandes be|ſyde, they ruſhed foorthe on their enimies wyth ſuche earneſt forewardeneſſe to receyue them, that after a ryghte ſharpe bickeryng, they put the whole number of them to flight.