[1] Iohn Cumyn therefore deſirous to redreſſe this heauie miſerie and lamentable caſe of his countrey, admitted Symon Fraſer fellow with him in the adminiſtratiõ of the wars, againſt the Engliſhmen, and therwith gathering an army of .viij. thouſand hardy men of warre, ſetteth in hande to reuẽge the iniurious doings of the eni|mies,King Edwards officers chaſed out of Scotlãd chaſing out of the realme all ſuch officers with their ſeruauntes as king Edward had pla|ced in any roomthes within the bounds of Scot|land, and ſuche as reſiſted hee purſued in moſte cruell wyſe, not ſparyng to put them vnto the ſwoorde in all places where hee mighte fynde them.