[1] Scottiſh am|baſſadors ſent to Pope Boni|face. The Scottes in the meane tyme ſore oppreſ|ſed by reaſon of long warres, ſent ambaſſadors to Pope Boniface, in preſenting a right greuous complaint vnto him for the great affliction done to them by king Edwarde, who was fully bente by iniurious meanes (as they alledged) to con|quere their realme, and therefore they beſoughte hym to conſtreyne king Edwarde by vertue of his prerogatiue which he pretended to haue ouer the realme of Englande, to ſtand to his order in deciding the right cõcerning ye liberties of Scot|land, which might no otherways be determined, but by intollerable damage falling to the people thorough blynd deſire and couetous ambition of the nobles, contending for the crowne.