[1] King Edwarde beeing aduertiſed of this en|uious grudge and new ſedition amongſt the no|bles of Scotlande, had ſecrete conference by his agentes with the chiefeſt amongeſt thoſe that thus enuied the high glorie of Wallace, and vp|pon truſt of ſuche practiſe as was concluded by reaſon of the ſame conference,King Edward inuadeth Scotlande. hee came with a mightie armie into Scotland, and at Falkyrke mette with this Wallace,Wallace ray|ſeth a power to reſiſt him. who myſtruſting no guyle, had rayſed a power to reſiſt him: but now being come in ſight of the Engliſhmen, ther roſe a ryght odious contention betwixte the head ca|pitayns,Strife for the leading of the vauntgarde. who ſhuld haue the leading of the vant|garde, whiche is reputed a moſte high honour a|mongſt the Scottiſhmen.