[1] And vndoubtedly according to his promiſe,Wallace en|tred England with an armie of .xxx. thou|ſand menne. he kept his day: for aſſemblyng together an armye of .xxx. thouſand men, he entred into Englande at the tyme before appoynted, where king Ed|warde was readie with an armie vpon Stanel|more, double in number to the Scots, to giue [page 305] them battayle: but when the tyme came, that both parties were ready to haue ioyned, the En|gliſhemen withdrewe, hauing no luſt (as ſhould ſeeme (to fyght with the Scottes at that tyme, who perceyuing them to giue back, incontinent|ly woulde haue ruſhed foorthe of their rankes to haue purſewed in chaſe after them: but Wallace doubting leaſt the Engliſhmen had ment ſome policie, cauſed the Scottes to keepe together in order of battayle, and ſo preſeruing them from the deceytfull malice of their enimies, broughte them backe into Scotlande with lyues and ho|nours ſaued, beſides the infinite ſpoyle and boo|ties, which they got in this iorney.