[1] [2] For ſhortely after, by publike authoritie, he receiued the armie that Iohn Cumyn Erle of Buchquhan had led before, & conſtrayned thoſe Scottes that fauoured kyng Edward, to obey his commaundementes, in renouncing all ſuch faith and promiſe as they had giuẽ or made vn|to him.Caſtels wonne by William Wallace. This done, he paſſed forth with greate puiſſance againſt the engliſhmen, that held ſun|dry caſtels within Scotlande, and with greate hardineſſe and manhoode he wan the caſtelles of Forfair, Dundee, Brechen, & Mountros, flea|ing all ſuch ſouldiers as he founde within them.