[1] King Edward his purpoſe to inuade Frãce.In the mean time king Edward hauing wel in remembrance the warres which he had inten|ded to make againſt Frãce, had he not bin ſtayed thorough the buſineſſe of Scotlande, purpoſed now to purſue the ſame with all diligence: and therefore firſt garniſhing all the ſtrengthes and ſorts in Scotland to withſtãd the Scots, if they attempted any rebellion againſt him in his ab|ſence,Hugh Creſsin+gham regente of Scotland. he appointed Hugh Creſſingham to be re|gent there, whileſt he ſhuld be occupied in Frãce, which Creſſingham before was Treaſourer.