[1] King Iohn vpon his returne into Scotland, perceyuing that he was in the hatred both of his lordes and commons,He returneth into Scotland. he withdrewe agayne of his owne accord into England,He renoũceth the admini|ſtration of Scotland. forſaking whol|ly the adminiſtration of the Scottiſh dominion, and finally wente ouer into Normandie to hys auncient inheritance and landes there, where at length falling blind, and waſting away by long age,He returneth into France, & deceaſſeth in caſtel Galliard he departed out of this worlde in the caſtell Gallyard, leauing thoſe landes which he poſſeſ|ſed on that ſide the ſea, vnto his ſonne Edward Ballyoll, who beeing releaſed out of captiuitie, was come ouer to his father before his deceaſſe.