[1] Robert Bruce ſubmitteth himſelfe to K. Edwarde.Trouth it is, that after this victorie, Robert Bruce ſubmitted himſelfe vnto king Edwarde, requiring him to performe his promiſe touching the right whiche he had to the crowne of Scot|land: howbeit he receyued no anſwere to his ly|king touching that requeſt: for king Edwarde had no leſſe deſire to enioy the kingdom of Scot|land, than Bruce (as the Scottiſhe writers af|firme.) Therfore to caſt off Robert Bruce con|cerning his demaunde, he anſwered thus (as is ſayd) Beleeueſt thou that we haue nothing elſe a doe but to conquere realmes,The anſwere of king Ed|warde to Ro|bert Bruce. and to delyuer them ouer againe vnto thee?